Thanks to the weekend I have a lot of time to go out and do some killing.
The Fit
This fit was planned for some kind of scramkiting. Staying at 8km and shoot the enemy with barage.
The first kill
This morning I was just out and roamed through Tribute, checking my usual route. The nice thing are those pipe systems with drag bubbles on each end.
I waited on a perch and checked if someone would enter local. Just a few minutes of waiting and a Cheetah entered system. I didn't thought I have many chances catching him, but I followed him towards the out gate and I got caught in the pull bubble like I expected. As I didn't decloaked him and didn't even knew if he was close by, I burned around a few seconds and went towards the gate. This was, when I had a really good idea: dropping a can in his way, to force him to move. I keptd on burning around, when he suddenly decloaked. Looking at my overview there were over 20 km between me and him and only an AB and scram on my ship. I Overloaded everything before he warped away ... There wouldn't have been need for it ... he was kind of AFK.It was a quick thing and he died:
You remember my last blog about the definition of a solo kill. He didn't fought back, so its not really counting. Thats why I needet a
Second Kill
After FCing an Ishtar fleet to kill some intruders and some other reallife stuff I had time to go out roaming again. Same pipe as before as its a really target rich enviroment. I had some chasing with diffrent people but endet up with following up on an executioner. Hoping for a good fight I followed him and there he was on the gate.
Just let me empasise here, how important a good overview setup is. Looking at his speed I saw, that he was definitly MWD fit, so I burned back to the gate to make him think I want to crossjump. That trick worked more then once with crows. They get close, to be able to follow you, but once you engage, they shoot back, so they make sure you can't get away. With a scram and web I was able to get close and kill him.
Another ship done. Many more to go:
Up next: Navitas! I already tryed to get a kill in it and nearly succeedet, but a wild sabre appeared and used "Crush Frigate" ... It was very effective.
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