Friday, March 14, 2014

Conclusion of the Rifter, the new guy and the next step

I did it! I finally landet my solokill in the Rifter I was hoping for, but the victory doesn't feel as good. Why? Well ... I had to kill a two day old character to archive that:

So how this all happend: I was roaming through FW space, hoping that there is a guy in a plex, who would give me a fight that I might be able to win. I was going on for a good hour, when I had my first luck: a Maulus in a novice complexe.I warped in and started MWDing towards him. He warped off and I had to keep on searching. A few minutes later I saw my salvation: A lonely Imicus on the gate. That guy just decloaked, dropped his probes and was staying on the gate. Was this my opportunity. But I was more cautious this time: Gateguns can hurt and I didn't want to loose another ship to that mechanic. So I approached him, alligned out and started fireing. I shot him into deep armor before I had to warp out. Damn it ... no kill for me. So I went to station to reapir and there he was sitting on the undock: I locked him and saw, that he hadn't made any repairs ... that was my chance. I started shooting, ready to warp out in a moment notice ... he blew up, but nothing else happend.

The thing I learned today: Gateguns don't shoot, when you are new on grid and still have an ongoing agression with someone.

Now the sad part of the story: That guy was just 2 days old, so I gave him some ISK and wrote a mail to him ... We all know, that we need to foster the young players, so there are more targets in the future ^^

I might do the Rifter again, soon, as this kill wasn't as satisfying as i hoped it would be. One ship done, much more to go:

So whats up next? I guess I will go amarr or gallente on the next ship. While I am writing this my JF is on his way to jita, picking up a big bunch of frigates and fitting.

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