Friday, March 14, 2014

Incursus: Boom, headshot!

My next ship was the incursus. A beautiful, high DPS ship, with a good staying power, thanks to the rep bonus. So I brought that one to good use:

The Fittings

So I had planned two diffrent fittings for this one. A close and a longrange one:

This close range fit is really tight on PG and CPU. So if you are a new player you might need to downgrade the guns to make this one work.

This sniper should work great at the sweatspot of about 9km. Just keep your enemy an armlenght away.

The Hunt

I wanted to give the FW area another try. I fitted up the ship and went out to find a fight. And there is the thing I love about Factional Warfare: You can find good fights for T1 frigates, without the risk of having to engage T2 ships or anything bigger then yourself. All I have seen so far is a fair fight, but I guess there are also groups who go and just blob on single ships.

So I entered the Lowsec space again, armed with my short range Incursus. After I checked some novice site I found one with a lonely Condor on dscan. I warped in an immediatly engaged him. he started scramm and webbing me, so I expected a kite setup. Switching to null ammo gave me the possibilty to hit him again. Thanks to the active tank I was able to grind him slowely down, nearly burning out my afterburner so I won't let him get away:

This was a really fun fight and I will definitly head back to FW for some more kills.

Two are done, many more ships to do. For the next kill I will try to stay in Nullsec. Going Amarr I will start out with the Punisher, as its one of my favorite amarrian frigate.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I saw your blog on Reddit and I really like it! Great idea and nice writing. Some of your fits are a little..interesting..and its apparent you usually live in null. I'm looking forward to seeing how this comes along, and if you see me in local just ask for a 1v1 and I'd be happy to oblige!
