Sunday, March 16, 2014

Punisher: Time goes by ... so slowly!

Maybe Chasing helps?

The last few tries with this ship weren't that successfull (eventhough I learned a lot), so I packed up my bubble and moved a bit through vale. A corpmate passed me the information about a neutral Heron flying around. I started chasing him around and landet close to him twice. In one system he decidet to go into a safespot and cloak. Put up an anchorable bubble (If you don't know what those are: between his approximate position and the gate. We stared chatting in local and it looks like I found the first person knowing this blog in space. Sadly he didn't decide to welp his ship into my bubble so he would appear on this blog ... well... he still did. Hope to see you again in space: We still need to do that Battleheron duel.

Back to camping

Next try. I searched for a pipesystem with a special property: A gate that would not be in DSCAN range from any celestial in system. As this system is in the space my alliance owns, I knew that a lot of neutral siterunners come through there. I set up a bubble and to make sure, that cloaky enemies get decloaded I just dropped a lot of T1 rockets into cans:

That should do the Job for this time ... Just setting those cans up took around 15 minutes, but I was always ready to try and shoot down any enemy comming close.
I waited ... and waited ... and waited ... At one point a nullified siterunning tengu came by, so he didn't land in my bubble. I had some coffee, started a movie on my second screen and just kept on waiting.
A few hours (yes, hours!) later, I took the bubble down again and thought, that  I might need to change the system I am camping in.

Punishment for crows

After the bubble was down I took another swing through some systems in the Vale/Tribute border region. Thanks to Triumvirate in the area we sometimes get solo/small gang content. And there it was on the gate: a crow ... we both wanted to engage, as we crossjumped twice! I went at zero to the gate, as I knew he could kite me, if I won't get the scram on him. I wanted him to do the first move: If he would start kiting I could just jump through the gate and give it a second try on the other site. But he came close and engaged. Thanks to the scram I was able to just orbit him at 1k and finish him off with my lasers:

And here what I have done so far and what is still missing:

Up next: The Bantam! Lets do this!

I welcome every kind of critic, ideas or anything else you want to tell me.

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