Friday, March 14, 2014

Punisher: Everybody loves a lightshow

The first Amarr ship on the blog. We all know, that Lasers are incredible sexy and every ship should just have showlight on them. To cover the theme of the stubborn amarrian ships, I planned on getting the kill with a Nullsec only mechanic. But I will explain that one later. As always I start with:

The Fitting


I went with just one basic fitting for this one. The big disadvantage of the Punisher is his low number of midslots. With the resist bonus a dual rep ship would be great, but its impossible to fit a propmod, tackle and a Cap Booster. So I came up with this:

Yes I know. The picture says, the PG is not enoug, but thanks to the extra PG the Punisher received with Rubicon 1.3 it all fits (EFT is just not up to date).

The Plan


For those of you who don't know about this: In nullsec you can deploy warp disruption bubbles. They look like this:
If you place them in line with a gate they stop someone doing a direct warp. There is much more you can do with them and they can also pull people in, but thats too much detail for now (if you are interested I could write a guide on it).

The Waiting Time

Camping like that takes a lot of patience. You might be unlucky and nobody will show up in 1 hour or even more. Or you are lucky and have a constant stream of killmails (or die really quick). So I picked a pipe system in Geminate. On my first camp an Astero warped directly into my bubble and was decloaked. I was bringing him down to half armor. He cleared the bubble at that point and eventhough I had him scrammed he warped. So a dual Warpcore stabs Astero ... that was unfortunate.

I tried it again a bit later that day, but didn't even make it to the system. I found a lonely condor on the gate and engaged. He just slowboated to the gate and jumped ... but not before his friend in a sabre came hin. I tried to get some range and transversal. I was bouncing into structure and were able to rep up a little bit, but in the end he got me. Lesson learned: preoverheat the rep!

Burn Everything!

I grabbed another Punisher and went out again. Same system, same tactic. I just had to wait for a little bit and a jaguar entered. Sadly it was the wrong side of the system, but he started burning towards me. I warped around until I was on the gate with him. He engaged and I started shooting back. Once more it was an intense fight. In the end I burned out my AB to pull enough range from him so his Scram shuts off:
I would call that tanking like a boss. I headed to the nearest station and repaired up the damange. Time to head out again: Many ships wait to be flown.

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